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                企业情报 Corporate Information

                ——高分㊣ 子功能性薄膜材料生产厂家

                -- Polymer Functional Film Material Manufacturer

                       开思茂薄膜材料科技(东莞)有限公司是日本企业作为技术支持成立的一家科技型企业,是一家专门从事高分子薄膜材料研发及生产的企业,产品主要应用于电子产业链的触摸屏、显示屏、背光源、柔性线路板、玻璃面板、电子终端等电子领域。主营产品:保护膜系列(光学PET基材PU保护膜、光学PET基材亚克力保护膜、光学PET基材硅胶保护膜、光学PE基材☆保护膜等)、光学胶带系列(触摸屏防爆膜、超薄胶带、OCA、音膜阻尼胶ω 带)等高分子薄膜材料。

                Cosmotec thin Film material technology (Dongguan) Co. LTD. Is a Japanese company as a technical support for the establishment of a science and technology enterprises, is one specialized is engaged in polymer thin film materials research and development and production of enterprises, products are mainly used in electronic industry chain of touch screen, display, back light, flexible circuit board, glass panels, electronic terminals and other electronics. Main products: protective film series (optical PET substrate PU protective film, optical PET substrate acrylic protective film, optical PET substrate silicone protective film, optical PE substrate protective film, etc.), optical tape series (touch screen explosion-proof film, ultra-thin tape, OCA, audio film damping tape) and other polymer film materials.


                Materials are selected according to the purpose and environment of use in the market. With self-developed polymer technology, casemore develops new functional films to meet the diverse needs of the market and customers. From mobile phones, computers, cars, televisions and other electronic products, in all fields, with independent research and development of high-quality functional film has been developed.

                       秉承环保的开发、最先进高分子◎技术、 迅速的¤反应市场、高端的涂层技术等能力,开思々茂不断为客户提供新的价值。

                Adhering to the development of environmental protection, the most advanced polymer technology, rapid response to the market, high-end coating technology and other capabilities, kaisimao constantly provide customers with new value.

                高分子功能性薄膜解决方案厂商◥  Polymer functional film solution manufacturer


                We will give full play to the high quality functional polymer film technology, kaisimao to provide you with reliable solutions, the use of independent research and development technology to create innovative products.


                In the future, as the polymer functional film manufacturers will continue to strive to develop more new products, in the spirit of unity of all staff, further expand the product application field, grow together with the company, hope to make greater contributions to the society.



